Kishimoto Shinya!

Well, that was fast...all that obstacle training for nothing.(See kids, even the steps can take you out...)

"Damnit!" Wait...he's Japanese...."Kuso!"

Yeah...pic says it all.

we have a 9.6% clear ratio!

Next up...Mihara...Priest from Kagawa...#97

Wait...I got 97! Awesome.

He's a monk...

A hacky-sack playing monk...

A hacky-sack playing monk that has no agility...Veggietales, anyone?

Respect the deceased...

Is Akiyama doing a Kongu impression?

Akiyama Kazuhiko, Hokkaido

Wow, that's old. Probably from like 2...he was still a crab fisherman back then.

Nagano...the god from Miyazaki.

He fishes on the other side of the country...and, because of the regional differences, gets different fish.

Fisherman, Fisherman, Shoe Salesman? yeah...Yuuji Urushihara, Tokyo.

Soon-to-be Stock footage(hehe, foot-age, yeah, bad joke)

But we start in the snowy fields of Hokkaido...

1) Check out that hair...2) You think this is tough, he's just warming up...3) Nothing wrong with me...

He can't see 10 inches in front of his face.

On the upside, he does massage therapy.


He was the whole F'n show in 4...he won the damn thing.

In the red corner, weighing in at 56kg, standing 161 cm tall, he's 37 from Hokkaido, Japan, Kazuhiko Akiyama!(He won, intro IS necessary.)

Over the steps...

Down, Down, Down...

YAY! He cleared the Jump Hang. He had a lot of trouble with that in the past.

Over the Bridge Jump...like everyone else that matters...however, he does have bad eyes...good job Akiyama-san.

Down, Down, Down...



He's screwed...damnit...nope

Buzzer's red...shed a tear...

c'mon Akiyama!


Shingo looks away...

Takeda has to hold back tears....

Nagano looks down...

Akiyama looks like he's about to cry...poor guy...

No clue what this is...

The 28th Konpira Maru!

It's captain is pretty f'ing awesome...

He's got a wife(and had a big ceremony with a lot of clothes changes(Thanks Elsie))

He's got a kid...

And, to top it all off, he's got Takeda slapping his back...on second thought...scratch that last one. Ask Brett, it hurts.

Maniacs: I don't need to remind you of this.

9.8% clear!

And the intro longer than Longcat...From the depths of the ocean...weighing in at 64kg, standing 162 cm tall...he's 37 years young...from Miyazaki....NAGANO MAKOTO #99!(break the trend I guess.)

wow...if you fail here...seriously..

Ah, good...hmmm...has he faced this before?

Or this?

This is new...and ineffective.

His Shortness has lost here twice.


just missed...


Yuuji looking on...

Sad Yuuji...

That turned out pretty epic...

He had it!

"Well, that sucked..."

Shoe boy...

won last time...

just throwing it in for the fangirls...you know who you are...

only one man left...

In the white corner...weighing in at 53 kg and standing 163 cm tall...Number 100...representing Tokyo...Number 100...Urushihara Yuuji, 31 years old!(hint: if your 164 cm tall, you'll win next)

Over the hills...

Over the log...

Over the net...

Off a bridge...

Down a second log...

And, being TBS, we cut you off right before he hits the obstacles that the other two champions failed.

nevermind..he gets over the wall...

Takeda and Shingo are like, So what?

Nagano's like, "How did I mess that up again?"

Over the wall...

Down the ring...

Over the net!!!!

We end the first stage with a clear!!!!!!!!!


Kongu likes it.

Takeda and Shingo figure the audition tapes are still running...

Nagano is...indifferent....

Congrats Yuuji...cleared with 7.52 seconds left!

Are you ready?

I said...

Are you ready?

Then for the hundreds in attendance....

For the millions watching at home...

Let's get ready for Stage 2! (grabs Elsie's popcorn that she's graciously passing around)...This is Takeda if you didn't know already...


"Wait? There's more! I thought we were done!"

"I'm fine...I can beat this..."

Strech! Get on back there! You can put it on the boooooooooooooooooard! YES!(sorry, it's baseball season)

You cheater...(more on this later)

Michigan sucks at speech classes...either that or Levi failed them.

Li En Zhi...

Koji Hashimoto...

Yoshiyuki Okuyama...

KONGU! Kenji Takahashi...

Gotta do those interviews...


Looking at the new 2nd Stage...

Proving even more that he was literally trying to be a ninja....

There's Ito...

D-Von get's the tables...TBS get's the charts...

Up first...Sato Jun!

18 year old college student...and part-time free runner...

He de-barred the Salmon Ladder...

Then failed here again...but, he did have a shoulder injury...

He's trained for it...

I'm going to beat it!

Fist up...Shin(new) area...Slider Drop.
Now, can he overcome his demons and conquer this beast! Find out next time!
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