Last time I dropped you with Sato Jun attempting an obstacle he's failed twice. Only with an added twist.
He heads up one side...first time he's cleared rung 4.
He seriously spent 10 seconds making that jump....but, alas, he gets across.
Up the rest of the ladder...
He's doing a technique that I thought of before. Hell, it works...
That still doesn't help the fact that he can't leap. His arms were probably dead tired anyway. He's been hanging on a bar and a board for a minute or so.
Koji is kind of shocked...
The board turned sideways when he grabbed on...Sato Jun...take a drink! Wait...he's only 18...what's the alcohol age in Japan?
Kong walking up to the construction site.
That damn safety rope got him last time.
He's secretly training them according to instructions by the JSDF. It says it right here in this file named "Classified." Oh, whoops.
The tallest Japanese 2nd Stage participant today...Kenji Takahashi!
got la familia there.
Slider....Drrrrrrrrrrrrooooooooooooppppppppuuuuuuuu!(trying to imitate the announcer)
Up one side
Makes the jump.
Crosses the Bridge of Instability...
And clears it...
He rolls down a third piece of wood.(M9 better hope environmentalists[the ones with extra mental] don't watch this)
Spins around the metal...
Lifting up the walls.
Final wall...24 seconds..
What took him so long...
Family likes it...
What a nice milit-family moment...
Levi: I wanna do that too!

Showing his 23 clear as well as the fact he's faced Stage 3 twice...both times failing the SCH.

The construction-oriented Second Stage is batting .500
Time for the next at-bat. The tallest man in Stage 2...LEVI M.
Li and Brian like him..
Wrong kind of dropping.
Brian is probably still thinking how he's gonna repay Rich for the bet.
Kongu is shocked...Shingo and Takeda...I've made enough cracks about them trying to be Yamada.
Yuuji's kinda like, wow, didn't see that one coming.
Ninja with extra literal.
Levi: It could do that?
Okuyama: I have not-so-fond memories of sticks...
He failed the final last time.
In the 1991 World Championships, he finished second to Michael Johnson(who won and set the WC record), but was unable to make it past the Quarters, finishing 5th in his heat(top 4 advanced).
There's his kids...
He's 39...yeah...39...oldest Final Stage participant...EVER!
Stage 2 raising the old average to .667.
Yoshiyuki Okuyama!
Slider Drop.
Up one side...
Makes the jump...
Over the Bridge...

Some trouble here...

pretty straightforward here...5 seconds left...
The family likes it...
Okuyama is our second Second Stage clear!
Next is Koji Hashimoto...he doesn't even get the height/weight/age graphic...
Up again...

Down...then up....

Clears the walls with just 5.4 to go...nice showing Koji.
Mom likes it...
Koji's like, I did it again!
They give the Koji treatment to Brian...
Some trouble here...
gets over...
up to the top...
Don't mess up here again...

Your a free better clear this...

Walls up and over with just 1.4 seconds left.
Levi Likes it!
So does Rich.
Takeda looks like he's hatching an evil plan.
The good ole stock footage of him doing nothing.
Bact to the chart...2nd Stage batting .333.
Takeda wants to lower that average.
Slide Drop...
*collective gasp*
Okay, he's fine...
Scratch that...geez, Takeda, you failed the normal Salmon Ladder part.
Koji-like fail.
lol, look at Akiyama, trying to see what's going on behind Shingo.
Yuuji shocked.
Shark tooth grin.
Because it's TBS, they'll show you again for dramatic effect.
It looks like he has no pupils...he's the freakin Undertaker.
Another Final Stager from 24.
He's got lots of tickets.
damn, I think those are his sisters. They ain't bad looking.
Mom and Pop

He trains like hell...
La Familia!
raising the average to .429 with the Takeda fail.
Li En Zhi from Taiwan!

Over the Salmon Ladder...
across the UB easily...
Over the Balance Tank...
Kongu had cleared right about now, and Li's attempting one of the two Second Stage obstacle he's ever failed, the Metal Spin(Timed Out on the Wall Lift in 21).

4 ticks left, and Li clears yet again!
Kanno is...I can't tell what he's thinking.
Gotta get to the start line, almost my turn.
Seriously Yuuji? He's probably still in shock about Takeda to notice that Li cleared. Or he just doesn't care about Li.
Kanno getting ready.
23 Finalist.
He's a Shin Sei or New Star.
He's also a gymnast
625 on the day...
Kanno Hitoshi!

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