Now, the other Koji!

Sorry, Elsie, it's not here.

He has all of his #s and certificates of authenticity...I mean Trial Tickets...

reppin Shimane...Gym Instructor...#60 Koji Hashimoto!

In case your just joining us, we gots(or is it Got's, nvm) new stuff...

Rolling Down the...Track?

Jumping....and of course the hanging...

TBS teaching kids it's okay to jump off a bridge...

Log Grip...yeah, flat out of jokes here.

Over in 1 shot

Approaching the killer...

Well, Elsie, I managed the same pic...I DID NOT COPY!

Climbing the Net...


5/60...for Math sub-sub-minors...that's 1 for every 12.

Congrats Koji!

Kanno trying to rid himself of the Mr. Sasuke No.2 moniker by actually caring someone cleared. Yuuji lols.

Next up, BO...the other kind...Brian Orosco...#69 Reppin the States.

Over the Hills...

Across the River...

Over the Net...I know he tried to beat Levi at this point...

Jumping off the Bridge...

Down the Log...

Over the curved Wall...

Grabbing the ring...

Climbing the net...

Man, the path to grandma's house sure is complicated...clear with 10.3. Nice job Brian!

(insert generic Rider dirty joke here)

Levi likes lemon lollipops.(say that 10x fast...it will F you up...)

Takeda is like...I can beat that...

Beaver smile...and I was right...he WAS trying to beat Levi...


If I need to tell you were he's from...shame on you...the Firefighter from Gifu...#70 Toshihiro Takeda!

Over the steps..

just keeping rolling down the logs...

Grab the net...

then Grab the rope...

Then drop it like it's hot...

Now, climb up this wall...your subordinates do it!

Grab this ring!

Climb this Net!

Still think this is easy, maggot!?

7/70...yeah...now 1 for 10.

9.42 official time...Takeda is our 7 clear today!

Former Pro Weightlifter...From Saitama...#74 Torisawa Katsuhide!(aka, Apple Smasher and Hulk Hogan impersonator)


yeah...you go bye-bye.

He just said, screw it.

damn...he's still got some strength.

Free Runner(as if that isn't generic enough)...From...wait, New Zealand!? Okay then...#79 Richard King!

He steps...

He rolls...

He Jumps and Hangs...

He Jumps again...

And he...DROPS?!

Li is tying his shoes...

DAMN! Levi's got a potty mouth...

No way...

WTF? The X Games? I like them too, but...seriously, on Sasuke #s?

Representing the island of Formosa and the country of the Republic of China...#80 Li En Zhi(yes, that's the proper way)

using his height...he clears

using the grip he gained as a rock climber...he cleared.

using both...he cleared...

He jumps off of bridges...

Still using the grip...

using the height...

both again...

and now for the actual climbing ability...

He got up the net and hit the button in 9 seconds...

still 1 for 10

Levi still liking lemon lollipops...

blurry pic of Kongu...and Yuuji next to him...liking the clear...

In a pink shirt...Li En Zhi has cleared with 14.29 seconds left!

LOL Shingo, WTF is that?

Shimomura Hyato...from Shizuoka...#81


Oh no...oh no...not digests! Miyoshi Omasu...Kagawa rep...noodle farmer...#71

Ender...I mean Endo...from Kyoto...he's what we would call a civil engineer...#75

Remember this guy? They show him in a commercial and digest him...Kasahara Katsuhiko...#83...Nigita rep...

He can't walk across the hills...

From Tochigi...Kamiyama...Strawberry farmer...#84

Well, he may be a God Mountain, but he can't get over the hills.

Do I really wanna know? Chef...Yoshimura from Fukui...#85

He cooked up a fail...yeah, that was terrible...

Natsuyagi Hidemi...a grape farmer from Yamanashi...#93...he failed the Domes.(sorry, pic turned out poorly...couldn't get a good one)

Kishi Hiroyuki...Tottori rep...Domes...

And, magically, Amaterasu brings the sun back up and makes it set for the dramatic effect.

Next up...Chicken Farmer from Aichi...#88 Murase.

You may recognize this picture...it was in one of the commercials.

No shock...Domes


he cleans Panchinko bars...

Check out the lit sign...

#89...from Tokyo...Kanno Hitoshi!

Over the domes...

Across the log...

Onto the net...

Jumping off the Brigde...

Down the Log...

Up the wall...

Grabbing the Ring...

Climbing the Cargo Net...

And hitting the button...

9/89 now just less than 1 for 10...

New Stars...and Kongu like it...

Shingo is still auditioning for the part of Mr. Sasuke.

Kanno Hitoshi clears with 10.84 seconds left! He is our 9th clear of the day!

generic Shingo pic.

The Chickens are Revolting...So it must be Shingo Yamamoto...Mr. Perfect Record! For the new kids on the block, he is a gas station manager and Sasuke All-Star...#90 if you can't see it in the pic...






nice job...

and he gets past Danger Area 1...now Danger Area 2...the enemy of TIME!

He's timed out 3 times previously in Stage 1...

But this will not be one! The Chickens are Clearing...6.85 ticks left! 10th clear of the day...

Even the All-Star only gets the golf clap from Akiyama...

Shingo Yamamoto clears!(P.S. weird smile)

Next is a man that helped light the course...jk, though he could have...Hioki Masashi, electrician from Chiba

wow...50m in 6 seconds, if he sped up more...he could be in the Olympics...seriously. 100m time

He's tried 3 times to get onto Sasuke

Bunpei Shiratori gave a speech at his wedding...

And he laughs like a little girl when excited...

Over the steps...

He's got the power to get down the log...

he goes...under...oh no...


anyway...onto the Bridge Jump...

now I'm calculating the equations for power in my head...damn you Physics final...

Not enough Force over the Distance, so he didn't have enough acceleration...sorry, I'm rambling and that Elsie's job.

He's lighting up the course!(Once again, crappy joke)

But his energy ran out here...

missed the ring completely...

wife and Yuuji shocked...

wow, he's a lucky guy...

Next up is a paper manufacturer from Shizuoka...Kishimoto Shinya

He can bend a frying pan...

He's got obstacles in his backyard...OBVIOUSLY, he will easily clear
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