Welcome back to the latest in infected bloggers. That's right, the SMF Blogging Bug!
Last time, I left you cliffhanging on Sato Jun's run. Here is the trilling conclusion.


Jump Hang...Clear

Shock! Bridge Jump Clear!

Now, for an obstacle that has taken him out before, the Log Grip. But, that was Sasuke 21, this is 25, clear.

Onto the Soritatsu Kabe, took a few tries but cleared.

Circle Slider...One handed...Clear(notice the time, running low.)

20 ticks left...still gonna be close...onto the Tarzan Rope and Rope Ladder.

Climbs up quickly...7.2 left on the clock!(18, already 3 Stage 1 clears)

Nagano likes it. Akiyama is like, that was okay. Shingo and Takeda are indifferent.

Nagano still liking it and smiling...

Shingo still in whatever world he's in...

Sato Jun...a Free Runner and the Tokyo Representative is our first clear of the day!

Anyone else find it ironic that the 18 year old gets #18?

Next up...#21...Ryoma Magazine Editor and Kochi rep...Sakamoto Ryoma!

Clears the steps...

But rolls, rolls, rolls, all the way down...

Next up is a carrot farmer...or office worker...from Niigata...#26...Kira Yuji!

Clears the Domes...

Down the log...

Over the net...

and 40 seconds after he starts...he tries to jump off a bridge. I guess Raito didn't like anyone having his name. L is currently investigating.

Next up...#27 from Gunma...a Daruma...craftsman...Imai Hiroshi!

This guy...

He failed trying to reach the 6th step...the invisible 6th step.

Next...#30 from the band Shinsegumi Rian(
here and
here for videos)...from Kyoto, Seki Yoshiya!

Over the hills...

On the other side of the tracks...

He dies...(belly flop!)

Next...from Okinawa...a Muscle Park Staff member...#34...Higa Ryouji!

Traverses the hills...

Rolling all the way down...

Jumping and Hanging...

Jumping off a bridge...

Grabbing a Log...

Climbing up curved walls...

Wile E. Coyote cam(thank you VenusHeadTrap)

Poor Guy...timeout.

Shoshi Watanabe...Batan Twirling Champion from Hiroshima(#11 BTW)

Dome Steps fail...

Shionzaki Akihito...Farmer from Wakayama...#3

Another one steps out of line...

Next...#23, a beef store owner from Miyagi...Seihisashi Murayama!

Bridge Jump fail...

Toshiya Hitoshino...#20 from Kagoshima...he is the likeness of the last samurai, Saigo Takamori.

Clearly, the agility is not there.

Now, I'd ask WTF this is, but it IS Japan...Tsuyoshi Kuroda from Akita...#19 on your scorecards.

Domes fail...

Tomoyoshi Azuma...squash player from Kumamoto. #22

Log Grip failure...

A form builder from Fukuoka...Hirai Nioka #72...Didn't get a pic but he was DQ'd on steps for using his hands.

Pe Jun...South Korea Rep(here you go nova)...cartoonist. #16

not much of a stepper...


Kenji Takahashi...#40...Delivery man from Saitama.

Going over the hills...

Over and under the log...

Over the Cargo Net...

Off the bridge...

Down the tracks...

Up the curved walls...

Sliding down rails...

Up the Cargo Nets...

All in a day's work for the Kong Express.

Our second clear...out of 40(in 24, the first clear came at #47)

Jun'd the Circle Slider...

Hey! A younger Minoru Kuramochi...This was back in Sasuke 12 in 03...

22 was attack of the tentacles...

Here he is!...#43...representing Tokyo...Tako-Tencho! Minoru Kuramochi! Mr. Octopus!

His intro was longer than his run...

-The Chief
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